General Problem Solver
By analyzing the difference between a current state and desired state, a set of intermediary steps can be created to solve the problem = problem solving hypothesis.
SOAR (State Operator And Result)
SOAR Components:
- Long-term memory
- Short-term memory
- Vision system
- Action system
Key parts of the SOAR architecture:
- Long-term memory and short-term memory
- Assertions and rules (production)
- Preferences systems between the rules
- Problem spaces (make a space and search through that space)
- Universal sub-goaling: new problems that emerge during the resolution become entire new goal with assertions rules, etc.
SOAR relies on the symbol system hypothesis. It primarily deals with deliberative thinking.
Emotion machine
Created by Marvin Minsky to tackle more complex problems, this architecture involves thinking about several layers:
- Reflective thinking
- Self-conscious
- Self-reflective
- Deliberative thinking
- Learned reaction
- Instinctive reaction
It is based upon the common sense hypothesis.
System created by Rodney Brooks. By generalizing layers of abstraction in the building of robots (such as for robot vision and movement), modifications to certain layers don’t interfere with other layers computation, allowing for better incremental improvement of the system as a whole.
It primarily deals with instinctive reaction and learned reaction.
This is the creature hypothesis, if a machine can act as an insect, then it will be easy to develop further later. This architecture relies upon the following principles:
- No representation
- Use the world instead of model: reacting to the world constantly
- Finite state machines
Based upon language, this system involves perception and description of events, which then allow to understand stories and further, culture both at the macro (country, religion…) and micro (family…) levels. This system relies upon the strong story hypothesis.