Financial strategies for a stock trading bot

Creating a stock trading bot is both a very interesting and a very challenging task. To build an algorithm that makes money, there is a number of potential trading strategies from which value can be created. This post attempts to list the most obvious strategies in a formal and systematic approach, to methodically structure the testing of the different ideas. This post will also be updated over time as more strategies get added and the most promising ideas are tested.

Stock trading robot Continue reading “Financial strategies for a stock trading bot”

Formalizing social interactions for robot fleets

The development of functional robots makes the management of fleets of robots of critical importance for robotics and the broader artificial intelligence.  The following study aims at formalizing a broad range of social interactions that can be observed in natural environments, standardizing examples for computer programming of complex interactions between different robots.

Robots of Boston Dynamics
Two famous robots of Boston Dynamics: Atlas and SpotMini

Continue reading “Formalizing social interactions for robot fleets”