18. Representations: Classes, Trajectories, Transitions


In a semantic net, a diagram of relations between objects, essential notions can be defined as follows:

  • Combinators: linking objects together
  • Reification: actions implying results
  • Localization: a frame where objects and actions happen
  • Story sequence: a series of actions happening linearly in time


In natural language, knowledge is generally organized from general categories to basic objects and finally specific objects.


Another element of language is recording change in the evolution of objects during the unfolding of stories.


Language also tracks movement in the description of actions.

An agent makes an object move from a source to a destination using a instrument. A co-agent may be involved, the action might be aimed towards a beneficiary, and the motion may be helped by a conveyance, etc. In English, preposition tend to be used to define the role of each part in the action, enabled recording of interactions.

Language corpuses, such as the Wall Street Journal Corpus, are generally composed of 25% of transition or trajectory.

Story sequences

Agents’ action determine transitions in the semantic net, which result in trajectories.

Story libraries

Each type of story implies a number of characteristics that correspond to the situation. Example: events can be disasters or parties, they have a time and place, involved people, casualties, money, places…