Here is a list of some of the best free datasets available around the web.
Awesomedata on GitHub
Awesomedata keeps a list of mostly free datasets on GitHub for a variety of fields.
- Agriculture
- Biology
- Climate+Weather
- ComplexNetworks
- ComputerNetworks
- DataChallenges
- EarthScience
- Economics
- Education
- Energy
- Finance
- Government
- Healthcare
- ImageProcessing
- MachineLearning
- Museums
- NaturalLanguage
- Neuroscience
- Physics
- ProstateCancer
- Psychology+Cognition
- PublicDomains
- SearchEngines
- SocialNetworks
- SocialSciences
- Software
- Sports
- TimeSeries
- Transportation
- Complementary Collections
Google Datasets
Note that you may search for data directly on Google Dataset Search.
TensorFlow Datasets
Free datasets directly available from TensorFlow
Some of these datasets are also available from GitHub.
They include a variety of datasets in multiple formats:
- Audio
- Image
- Structured
- Summarization
- Text
- Translate
- Video
Google AI Datasets
Free datasets released by Google AI for multiple disciplines.
Kaggle Datasets
Free datasets published on Kaggle.